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How a CRM Can Make Your Business Better

How a CRM Can Make Your Business Better

No matter your industry, size, or business model, satisfying your customers is crucial. Your business' survival depends on your ability to do this effectively.

To achieve this, it is essential to leverage every opportunity to deliver for your audience. One way to do this is through modern business technology, such as customer relationship management (CRM). Let's explore what a CRM is and why it's beneficial.

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Strategies for Rising Above Adversity in Business

Strategies for Rising Above Adversity in Business

Adversity is an inevitable part of doing business. Every administrator, manager, and employee will face challenges at some point. Overcoming these obstacles is crucial for maintaining efficient operations and fostering a resilient work environment. Here are some effective strategies to help you navigate adversity in business.

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Dude, Use This RAD Method to Get Your Inbox Under Control

Dude, Use This RAD Method to Get Your Inbox Under Control

Do you have trouble keeping up with your email inbox? You’re not alone; business professionals all over the world struggle to get to the fabled “inbox zero.” If you want to change the way you manage your inbox for the better, you should consider the RAD method. It might just change your life.

The proposed ideas here come from Nick Sonnenberg, founder and CEO of Leverage.

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Fringe Technologies that Can Benefit Your Business

Fringe Technologies that Can Benefit Your Business

Fringe technology encompasses innovative and unconventional tech solutions that are not yet mainstream but can potentially make a significant impact. Small businesses can utilize these technologies to gain a competitive edge, boost efficiency, and enhance customer experiences. Here are some examples of fringe technologies that small businesses can adopt.

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Big Data, Small Business

Big Data, Small Business

Big data has become an invaluable asset, not just for large corporations but also for small businesses. Using the vast amounts of data your business creates to help you make more effective decisions is easier than ever. In this month’s newsletter, we’ll look at how small businesses are tapping into the power of big data:

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Get More Out of Your Business’ Technology

Get More Out of Your Business’ Technology

Every business is looking to technology to enhance their ability to support their operations and provide a better customer experience. Maximizing the value you get from your technology involves a combination of optimizing usage, staying updated, and using the tools and resources you’ve chosen efficiently. Here are some strategies:

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How are Companies Handling Employees’ Desire to Work from Home?

How are Companies Handling Employees’ Desire to Work from Home?

Many business owners considered allowing their employees to work from home like opening Pandora’s box; once opened, there was no going back. Unfortunately, for these administrators, they were faced with the very real prospect of losing their business if they didn’t allow it. Millions of people started working from home in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, but now that public fear has diminished, how have companies reacted? Let’s discuss some remote work statistics to get an answer.

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MFA is Becoming a Major Component of Business Insurance

MFA is Becoming a Major Component of Business Insurance

Businesses are prioritizing cybersecurity more than ever. Many insurers now require companies to meet specific cybersecurity standards before offering coverage, with one key requirement being the implementation of multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Here’s what you need to know and how we can help.

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Five Common Business IT Headaches Managed Services Help Relieve

Five Common Business IT Headaches Managed Services Help Relieve

Technology frustrations can cause major setbacks for today’s businesses. IT challenges of all kinds can disrupt operations and impact productivity. Fortunately, managed IT services can help solve these common business IT headaches. Therefore, businesses can access a team of experts ready to tackle these issues head-on by outsourcing their IT management to a managed service provider.

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If These 5 Technology Problems Sound Familiar, You Aren’t Alone

If These 5 Technology Problems Sound Familiar, You Aren’t Alone

As necessary as technology is in modern business operations, a variety of common IT-related obstacles must be overcome for your efforts to succeed. Fortunately, partnering with a managed service provider (MSP) can make these obstacles less “mountain” and more “molehill.” Let’s examine some of the most often seen business technology challenges and discuss how a relationship with an MSP helps alleviate them.

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Innovation Can Take You to the Next Level

Innovation Can Take You to the Next Level

Most businesses need to confront IT innovation, as technology moves pretty fast. If you don’t have a plan to at least consider the technology, you could be easily left in the dust. In this month’s newsletter, we will discuss some pretty transformative technologies that are evolving quickly and can help your business improve its overall innovation. 

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How to Approach an Office Move with Your Technology in Mind

How to Approach an Office Move with Your Technology in Mind

One of the biggest signs that your business is doing well is that it is growing. When it starts to grow, you might notice that your office suddenly feels a little cramped. While moving an office can be stressful, it is often necessary to ensure that your company can continue to flourish. From an IT perspective, it can be even more challenging.

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Improving Collaboration Can Pay Big Dividends

Improving Collaboration Can Pay Big Dividends

Effective teamwork is indispensable for business success. Collaboration stands out as an extremely important consideration, yet devising a strategy that expedites project completion and enhances service delivery poses challenges. This week, we get into modern collaboration practices and how technology can help you improve collaboration.

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Cyber Censorship is a Complicated Issue

Cyber Censorship is a Complicated Issue

The web is filled with all types of content, and depending on where you live, it can be regulated by a myriad of organizations from all sections of society. From internationally recognized trade organizations to governments to industry regulators, there are a lot of moving parts in data regulation as it now stands. That leads to people wanting more control over data and censorship. Let’s take a look at cyber censorship and how it's a bigger issue than you might think.

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The Best Way to Protect Your Business’ Reputation is to Protect Your Data

The Best Way to Protect Your Business’ Reputation is to Protect Your Data

SMBs tend to rely on their longstanding clients to bring in the majority of their revenue, so what happens when clients suddenly cannot trust your business’ reputation? Look no further than if you were to suffer from a cyberattack for an answer. It turns out that being careless with your clients’ data is one of the best ways to sink your reputation.

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Three Innovative Tools Every Small Business Should Consider

Three Innovative Tools Every Small Business Should Consider

There are rules for doing business that most people understand. That status quo has been around for a long, long time, but as technology advances, it does more than connect parts that weren’t connected before; it can break down some of the old notions about the ways businesses are run and give people who think outside the box a leg up going forward. Let’s look at three ways business leaders are innovating how they do business.

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Five Problems Businesses Have with Modern IT

Five Problems Businesses Have with Modern IT

While it’s true that technology has become essential for businesses, organizations still often grapple with various technology issues that can impact how they do business. Many times organizations get turned around and it can cause some aspect of their IT to be problematic for them. Today, we look at five common technology issues that businesses frequently face.

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Four Ways to Manage the Complexities of Your Business

Four Ways to Manage the Complexities of Your Business

Running a business may never be totally smooth sailing, but it doesn’t have to be a complete grind all the time either. Managing complexities with your business’ technology is a good way to ensure that things move ahead with some efficiency. Today, we look at four ways to effectively handle complexities in the realm of business technology.

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Technology Solutions to Help Solve Common Operational Problems

Technology Solutions to Help Solve Common Operational Problems

Operational problems can not only stymie growth, they can trigger a lot of other issues that can be detrimental to the long term success and sustainability of a business. Unfortunately, it’s often a little difficult to see while you are in the heat of battle. Let’s take a look at some of the solutions that can solve some of the common operational problems that small businesses run into.

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How Small Issues Can Snowball Into Major Operational Problems

How Small Issues Can Snowball Into Major Operational Problems

When it comes to your business’ continuity, you should know that even small issues pose a great threat—especially when they involve your business’ data. Let’s examine two situations where even small mistakes could lead to a cascade of problems that could leave your organization strapped for cash and struggling to stay alive.

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