Industry Specific Services From Coleman Technologies
At Coleman Technologies, we have a thorough understanding of the policies and mandated technology guidelines required for health care, insurance, law, manufacturing, education, accounting, engineering, veternacy and construction so you can successfully move into the digital age.
The legal profession has always relied heavily on the newest technologies. Coleman Technologies can provide your practice with dynamic options that can save you money.
It's a fact that lawyers are at the center of many important decisions. As with many other economic sectors nowadays, technology is becoming integral for the modern law office. Whether you are a new attorney that is just hanging out your shingle, or you are a part of a multinational firm that deals in a sea of litigation, chances are you will need to consider how advances in technology will work for your practice.
For a law office, it is often not cost effective to hire a dedicated IT staff, or even an IT guy. Most law offices rely on break-fix technology companies that not only profit off your pain, they don't present the kind of value that is necessary to maintain all the newest, and most useful technology. At Coleman Technologies, we do IT differently. We provide solutions for British Columbia businesses for a flat monthly rate, all the while offering the newest and most reliable technologies that work for business.

DOWNLOADABLE RESOURCE What are the 10 Benefits of Managed IT Services?
This whitepaper will evaluate the differences between traditional technical support practices and modern managed IT practices and the pros and cons of both in regards to small and medium-sized businesses.

Professional IT management for those who invest, design, build, and maintain our infrastructure.
Coleman Technologies is proud to provide our British Columbia clients with comprehensive managed IT services. For architects and engineers, leveraging today’s most robust technologies is now a need more than a luxury. The industry has come a long way from relying on T-squares. As a result, Coleman Technologies delivers technology solutions and support that allow today’s architects and engineers to build the infrastructure we all rely on.

Co-managed IT services allow you and your IT team to take advantage fo the experties and skill offered by our team it IT specialists when needed, without paying expensive salaries or benefits to have them on your staff.