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Tip of the Week: 3 Steps to Avoiding a Ransomware Infection

Tip of the Week: 3 Steps to Avoiding a Ransomware Infection

We talk a lot (and we mean a lot) about cybersecurity, with ransomware getting a lot of our focus…and for very good reason. Ransomware is a huge threat that today’s businesses need to be prepared to deal with. In light of this, we wanted to share a few tips to help you avoid the negative ramifications of ransomware.

Keep Stock of Your Network and Its Protections

When you consider how many potential access points an attacker has to target your business’ network with ransomware—or any other threat, for that matter—it can be really concerning, really quickly. In short, there are a lot of ways that your business could be targeted, so you need to take the time and ensure they are all sufficiently protected. All internet-facing applications need to be fully up-to-date, every endpoint needs to be locked down, and your team all needs to be educated to help lock down security further.

The key is that you need to be aware of these needs in order to do anything about them, so make sure you’re paying attention.

Protect Your Data Through Backups

Your business relies on its data, and as such, your data is a prime target for cybercrime. The entire point of ransomware is to take advantage of this reliance, cutting off your access to it in order to coerce a payment out of you—a payment that you’re more motivated to make as your business drags to a halt without its essential resources. However, this all hinges on the fact that you wouldn’t have access to your data. If you maintain your access to this data (by keeping it safely backed up, for instance) you’ve eliminated what makes ransomware so effective, allowing you to purge the infection and start fresh.

If you aren’t sure how you should be handling your backups, you don’t have to worry. All you need to do is call (604) 513-9428 for our help.

Train Your Team

One extremely common way that ransomware is spread is through various means of manipulating your business’ users, like phishing messages, malicious attachments, and infected downloads. You can help minimize your risk by educating yourself and your team members on how to identify risks and avoid them appropriately. Remind them not to open or click on unexpected attachments or links, not to plug in random devices they’ve found, and generally act in a more secure way.

Coleman Technologies can not only help keep your business productive, but secure and resilient as well. Learn more about what we can do by giving us a call today at (604) 513-9428.

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Coleman Technologies has been serving the British Columbia area since 1999, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses. Our experience has allowed us to build and develop the infrastructure needed to keep our prices affordable and our clients up and running.

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