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Coleman Technologies Blog

Coleman Technologies Blog

We can give your organization comprehensive IT services and 24/7/365 live support for a predictable monthly fee. Stop stressing about technology, and start focusing on growing your business.

Three Facets of Security to Focus On

Physical Security

First on our list is the oldest kind of business security, the (sometimes literal) gun behind the counter that helps to dissuade potential attacks. It is only too easy to overlook the fact that data theft can be as simple as someone taking a hard drive, rather than hacking into it. Of course, we aren’t suggesting that all businesses should have an arsenal at the ready. Instead, technology provides assorted alternatives that should be implemented to deter attempted intrusion.

Maintaining your access controls, installing surveillance, and otherwise keeping a closer account of who is present in your business can all be considered ways to improve this security. This not only helps to keep sensitive materials safe from unauthorized access within your business, it will also help protect your investments and assets if your business is vacant for any length of time.


Of course, we can’t neglect to mention your business’ cybersecurity protections. With over one billion malicious programs out there (as of this writing) poised to attack, there are far more threats than you could handle without technological assistance. Make sure that you have this assistance protecting every aspect of your business’ technology:

  • Updates and patches serve to resolve security issues inherent in your software solutions.
  • Spam blockers help to filter incoming messages to stop threats from exploiting your email.
  • Firewalls allow you to secure your Internet connections, and web filters prevent your users from accessing risky or time-wasting websites.
  • Password requirements and multi-factor authentication enable you to keep access to various accounts secure against various threats and social engineering efforts.
  • If work is to be done outside of the office, a virtual private network can help protect your data as you communicate with the office outside of the defenses installed in the workplace’s infrastructure.
  • Turn to an external resource to perform a comprehensive security audit. Not only will they be able to determine your weaknesses, they can help you implement the tools to remediate them.

Security Awareness

Finally, it is extremely important to remember that your biggest vulnerability can easily be your employees themselves, as human beings are the most prone to mistakes and are the easiest to fool out of your business’ operational resources. Make sure that you are training your entire team on the security practices and awareness that everyone involved needs to maintain, continuing via evaluations and repeated education as needed.

Emphasize the importance of certain concerns, like:

  • Password Hygiene
  • Data Security Practices
  • Secure Processes
  • Access Control Standards
  • Social Media Use
  • Conformity to Policies

For assistance with all of this, turn to Coleman Technologies. We have the solutions to support your security efforts, as well as the rest of your operations. To learn more—or to get started—reach out to our team by calling (604) 513-9428.

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About Coleman Technologies

Coleman Technologies has been serving the British Columbia area since 1999, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses. Our experience has allowed us to build and develop the infrastructure needed to keep our prices affordable and our clients up and running.

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(604) 513-9428

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