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How to Secure Your IoT Devices at Home

How to Secure Your IoT Devices at Home

The Internet of Things is everywhere and that means that it’s important to understand how much of a potential security risk these devices can be. From smart speakers to smartphones, it's important that you understand how these devices can create problematic situations. In this week’s blog we will discuss how you can protect yourself against IoT vulnerabilities at home.

Why the IoT Is So Insecure

There are several factors to why the Internet of Things is insecure. The first is that the demand for smart devices has created a situation where manufacturers are trying to get as many devices out on the market as possible and in their haste, they don’t do enough to build secure environments. Another reason is that many people don’t have the security acumen to do the things needed to improve security for a network that features a lot of IoT devices. 

These smart devices are super useful, but if they were to be hacked, it can cause a lot of problems for you. If not secured, hackers can gain access to webcams, access your heating and lighting systems if they are connected to the Internet, gain access to account information—or even financial information, deploy malware, and even turn your smart devices into agents of chaos (also known as a botnet).

How to Secure IoT Devices on Your Network

Obviously, with so much at stake, you will want to know some actions to take to properly secure these devices. Much of what can be done are good strategies to secure your network in general. These actions include:

  • Secure your router - Obviously, securing your router has a major effect on your ability to keep your network, and therefore your IoT tools, secure. You will want to change the SSID and password of your wireless network.
  • Start a guest network - A great way to ensure that your IoT devices aren’t going to negatively affect your network is to create alternative networks that separate these devices from your core computing infrastructure. 
  • Change all individual device passwords - This may take some time, but if security is your aim, you can do worse than actively changing every device’s login credentials and passwords frequently. 
  • Use complex and unique passwords - One of the best ways to secure password-protected digital assets is to make sure to build passwords with security in mind. Use all types of different strategies including a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and symbols to give yourself the best chance at maintaining security. 
  • Use two-factor authentication - Adding security to your strategy, two-factor authentication can be a really useful tool; especially with IoT devices that often lack the strong security features of more complex computing devices. 

IoT is becoming increasingly important at work and at home, so doing what you can to keep from dealing with attacks and other digital issues is important. If you would like more useful security tips, or you just would like to have a conversation about how to best secure your IoT, give us a call today at (604) 513-9428.

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